WEBCAMP was a 2 days event that provides a chance to learn and build projects based on Microsoft Web Platform. WEBCAMPS is held in different cities around the word and I had chance to participate in Sydney WEBCAMP event in 28 and 29 of May 2010. Interesting point is performers of this event in Sydney were Scott Hanselman and James Senior who I really wanted
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Starting an Australian life
Value type property and C# compilation error
Two days ago a question was asked in and I found this question so good to prepare a post. I want to explain this question:
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Screen size in WPF applications
I was about to write a simple application deal with screen size in WPF. Previously in windows form applications we could get WorkingArea parameters from System.Windows.Forms.WorkingArea but in WPF application typically we don’t have this assembly (however this assembly could be added to project). In WPF applications screen size could be obtained from System.Windows.SystemParameters. Following code is an example of setting a form right-bottom aligned in screen.
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LINQ-To-SQL Uses magic ROW_NUMBER() function
Recently I founded that LINQ-To-SQL Uses magic ROW_NUMBER() function. ROW_NUMBER() function is a magic function which was added in SQL Server 2005. Microsoft put this function in version 2005 so that developers will not take it for granted and appreciate it. ROW_NUMBER “ returns the sequential number of a row within a partition of a result set, starting at 1 for the first row in each partition”.
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