Pocket PC Developers Resources

Currently, I'm working on Pocket PC development. During last week I've found interesting resources about windows mobile development with .Net compact framework. first of all [Windows Mobile Team Blog ](https://blogs.msdn.com/windowsmobile/)would be a sophisticated resource. Moreover you could find other useful links in this weblog. Other blogger's web site would be good resources, like [Chris Craft's Blog](https://www.cjcraft.com/blog/default.aspx). CJ's weblog contains a series of posts for a month. For each day he wrote a post about windows mobile programming. It would be a good starting tutorial for beginners. Another web site that could be useful is [www.dotnetfordevices.com](https://www.dotnetfordevices.com/) . However, I'll post related... [Read More]

How to embed other resources like image and css

Embedding other resources like Cascade style sheets and images is possible as well as JavaScript file. I wrote "[How to embed JavaScript file in an assembly](How-to-embed-JavaScript-file-in-an-assembly.aspx)" in previous post. For embedding images you have to do same way with minor changes in accessing resource. You should add you file into your project and change the value of "Build Action" property to "Embedded Resource".  In Assembly info file you should add following line for images into AssemblyInfo.cs file:   [assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("EmbededJSControl.Logo.GIF", "img/gif")]   And following line for css file:   [assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("EmbededJSControl.Stylesheet.css", "text/css")]   To use image resource in your pages... [Read More]

How to embed JavaScript file in an assembly

Developing ASP.NET web controls is always interlocked with creating javascript codes in order to create client side functions. Moreover, a developer always has a tendency to release minimum files, most of the time an assembly (DLL) which includes all requirements for web control, is best case. This post is an attempt to represent how to embed JS file in an assembly. First of all you have to create an ASP.Net AJAX-Enabled Web Site  named "EmbededJSTest" and add System.Web.Extensions references to project . In order to add this assembly you have to install  [here](https://gkasoq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pO5bR_q-B4Gz19EwxN2gjcNqm0xRMq64po2ycqOa-zoYFEVBhWwwCf89HGOy1pG6mYpaTfRL5XLM8ZSQUVyJ7DplFAfYtZJII/EmbededJSSource.zip?download&psid=1) [Read More]

Wise Installation Studio/Express 7.0

I had many experiences in different projects to create installation with “Wise Installation System Professional 9.0” especially in visual basic 6.0 projects. This version was extremely mach with visual basic 6.0 projects and its scripting was easier than that of competitive products. [Read More]
Tags: Packaging Wise

Getting started blogging about .Net Framework and development

Although it wasn’t easy for me, finally I made up my mind to create a web log and write my experience and note about .Net issues and development. As far as I concerned many problems I’m recently grappling with are solved by blogs either I previously know or I find in search engines. Since give-and-take is one of basic rules in technical societies, taking advantage of others blogs without giving information does not seem fair. Hopefully, I’ll do my best to submit some useful post. [Read More]
Tags: Blog